It is World Animal Day on 4th October, which helps to raise awareness of animal welfare all around the world. The aim is to make the whole world a better place for all animals, in all countries, where each and everyone is recognised as a sentient being and that everyone works towards celebrating animals no matter where they are. It’s a day to encourage everyone to understand animals and recognise the importance of our impact on the animal world.
Why should you celebrate World Animal Day?
World Animal Day is growing each year and it is an important part of the celebration and movement for everyone to get involved in raising awareness of the day and a better future for the animals on our planet. When individuals and organisations get involved, this can help to increase awareness and educate people to develop a culture of compassion. The movement has already had a significant impact across the world with some great outcomes to celebrate already.
What can you do to celebrate World Animal Day?
You can organise your own event to raise awareness of World Animal Day and publicise your event on the official website with the logo and branding that everyone will recognise. It is a great way to advertise and reach as many people as you can to join in and enjoy your event. If you are a group or organisation this can also help to raise media attention as well. Why not invite friends and family or clients and customers and make it a big celebration as well as showing everyone how important animals are and how much they need our help to drive compassion.
World Animal Day events you could hold
There are so many ways to promote the movement from educational events to help people understand the needs of animals and the compassion needed towards them to a more formal event such as a conference or workshop with animal rights speakers or experts who work with animals. Other ideas are fun events that can raise some much-needed funds such as sponsored dog walks, talks and events in schools or even peaceful protests to encourage animal protection laws in all countries.
Attend a World Animal Day organised event
With many events all over the world, you could attend an event and support the day by getting involved. Don’t forget to post to social media all about the day both before, during and afterwards, using #WorldAnimalDay to continue supporting and spreading the word to everyone.
Find some great items in-store to help you raise awareness of World Animal Day.