Life can be tough for birds in winter. There’s less food around and at the same time, they need to eat more just to keep themselves warm and maintain their energy levels. We can help our garden birds get through the cold months by putting out the right sort of food for different garden birds need, so if you want to make your garden their favourite spot to stop for dinner, listen up and take our advice!
Feeding Birds In Winter
In Winter, birds need high calories, giving them the fuel they need to keep warm and healthy. A supply of clean water is also vital for birds in Winter especially during these cold spells we are having when puddles and other natural water sources are frozen over. Birds need water both for drinking and for washing so that their feathers can provide effective insulation against the cold, it may be necessary to break the ice during freezing cold temperatures so that they can have access to a continuous supply.
Good Winter Bird Food
Different types of birds like different kinds of food therefore to attract various garden birds, you should combine several winter bird foods.
Suet balls are packed with high-energy fats and are popular winter food for many garden birds. Remove any netting or mesh bags before hanging them up, to avoid birds getting their feet caught in the netting. Loved by Blue Tits, Robins, Wrens and Starlings.
Sunflower Hearts are high in fat and can be used in feeders, tables, or scattered for ground-feeding birds. They are good for attracting Tits, Greenfinches and Chaffinches, among lots of other small birds.
- Nyjer Seeds are tiny black seeds packed with high-energy oils. Because they are so small, you will need a special feeder for them. Goldfinches and siskins love Nyjer seeds.
- Fruit such as bananas, apples and pears placed on bird tables will attract Thrushes, Tits, Starlings, and Blackbirds
- Peanuts are rich in nutritional oils, high in energy and packed with protein making them one of the best super foods available to our feathered friends. Wild bird peanuts are loved by most birds and with little to no waste are great value.
Tips for feeding birds
If you follow these tips for feeding garden birds, you will enjoy bird watching in your back garden.
Place feeders in the open, so that birds can see cats approaching and escape in plenty of time.
It can take a while for birds to find your feeder, so don’t worry if you have no visitors for a few weeks after you put up a new feeder.
Clean feeders regularly to avoid transmitting diseases.
Keep feeders topped up, especially in winter, so birds don’t waste energy visiting an empty feeder.
Don’t leave uneaten food sitting on trays, as it is likely to attract rats. Adjust the amount you provide so that you only put out what will be eaten.
We have everything you need to take care of your garden birds this winter, including feeders, tables and a wide range of bird foods. Visit us to stock up on all your gardening essentials.